CBD Weed: What is it? And why people are talking about it.

Cannabis oils in glass bottles and CBD lotion

CBD edibles, which include anything from tinctures and oils to candy, cake pops, and chocolates, provide a longer-lasting option to CBD products that are inhaled.

Concerning cannabidiol (CBD), there are, without a doubt, more inquiries than clear responses. But if you want the cool and collected response to everyone’s most pressing query, it is this: 

Cannabidiol (CBD) flower can, in fact, be smoked.

 To the extent that smoking anything at all is acceptable, there is no harm in smoking hemp flower. To your second question: For sure. You can use this guide to quickly gain an understanding of what CBD is, how and why it is beneficial, and how you might want to be consuming it in our CBD flower, whether it be out of the tin or in our pre-rolled joints. You might even be there already. It’s possible that you’re just using a different name for it.

It is common knowledge that hemp and marijuana are both types of plants. Which species of plants are these? Cannabis sativa. Cannabinoids are a class of chemical substances that make up approximately 14% of the plant’s total molecular diversity, which totals somewhere around 500 different kinds of molecules. Ca-nabinoids is how you pronounce it, so say it with us. It has been determined that there are more than 110 of them in all. (Here’s our deep dive on cannabinoids.)

Cannabidiol is another five-syllable SAT word, and it is pronounced “can-ab-eh-dye-ol.” CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol. It is the second most common type of cannabinoid and is found in cannabis plants along with more than one hundred other cannabinoids.

The fact that cannabidiol, often known as CBD, is not the same thing as tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis plants that is responsible for giving users the feeling of being high, is one of the most essential things to understand about CBD. THC is the cannabinoid that is found in the highest concentration in cannabis sativa plants. THC is an abbreviation for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, in case you were wondering what it stands for and are searching for a true tongue twister here.

The plants used for marijuana and hemp are both of the cannabis sativa species, which is a type of leafy, willowy shrubs. In most cases, THC is obtained from marijuana plants, as this is where it is most commonly found. At this time, the federal government considers a cannabis sativa plant to be marijuana if it contains more than 0.3 percent of the psychoactive compound known as THC.

CBD is meanwhile associated with flowering hemp plants, or cannabis sativa plants that have less than .3% THC. If you want to go super biology geek on this, you can learn about how pollination and other factors can turn hemp plants into marijuana plants – or consider that marijuana plants also contain CBD – but let’s not digress.

For the sake of keeping things straightforward, you might consider cannabidiol (CBD) and the flowering hemp plants from which it can be extracted to be the cannabis sativa plant’s more responsible and law-abiding younger brothers. Because it is derived from marijuana plants, which the federal government considers to be an unlawful source of THC, and because it is wild-child THC.

The names “hemp” and “hemp flower” (also known as “CBD flower”) are used interchangeably in today’s market, which means that “CBD” and “hemp” are essentially the same thing. CBD can be found in marijuana joints made from hemp. It is against the law for them to have more than 0.3 percent THC, according to federal legislation. Without producing a psychoactive high, smoking CBD typically results in a buzz that is calming and possibly beneficial. Instead of a bottle, think of it as a single serving of wine in a glass. 

Why smoke CBD?

To begin, it is important to point out that smoking any kind of substance is fraught with danger.

The inhalation of any burned plant material, including tobacco, which may include carcinogens and tars, is damaging to the throat and lungs and is therefore not suggested by medical professionals.

In spite of this, Dr. Otto pointed out that a study conducted at UCLA in 2006 and funded by the National Institute of Health found that people who smoke cannabis have a lower risk of developing cancer than those who smoke tobacco. The study compared the cancer risk of smoking tobacco to that of smoking cannabis.

The findings of a larger study that was conducted in 2012 and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association provided further evidence that occasional cannabis smokers do not have the same risk of developing cancer as daily tobacco smokers.

Of course, there are many methods to absorb CBD; it has been added to lotions and given in elixirs. CBD can be consumed in a variety of ways, each of which results in a unique level of bioavailability. Bioavailability is a cool phrase that describes the rate at which and the extent to which a chemical reaches its site of action within the body.

Be aware that when CBD is introduced into the body by inhalation, its effects will be noticed more immediately than when CBD is introduced into the body through the use of CBD oils or even CBD gummies. Cannabinoids that are inhaled produce a more rapid increase in bioavailability than cannabinoids that are ingested. This is because inhaled cannabinoids, such as CBD, are absorbed first by the lungs, then by the blood, and then by the brain, rather than being absorbed by the intestines and the liver.

Can smoking CBD help you quit smoking cigarettes?

A bit of good news: the World Health Organization says CBD isn’t addictive and does not need to be considered a public health risk. With that in mind, CBD joints can be thought of as a bridge to kicking an addictive nicotine cigarette habit, a way to enjoy the ritualistic aspects of smoking sans nicotine.

“There’s a lot of people out there who are smoking tobacco to relieve anxiety,” Dr. Otto said. “It forces you to breathe more deeply. There are some relaxing effects from nicotine. I think a smokable form of CBD could be helpful for getting people to switch from tobacco to hemp with the next step to look at vaporization.”

Dr. Otto said he discusses with patients interested in inhaling cannabis material the use of a vaporizer that heats the organic material to around 400 degrees, at which point it releases a vapor as opposed to a smoke.

“There are none of the carcinogens and it’s much easier on the throat and lungs,” Dr. Otto said. “Inhalation is a very effective method and the onset of relief is very fast and it’s very easy to control because you can regulate how many puffs you take and how deep those puffs are.”

Our Dad Grass Flower, which is dried Smokable hemp flower, can be vaporized in this manner, although most of us roll it into joints or breathe it in from pipes. But it’s up to you; that’s the beauty of this small batch, carefully curated goodness.

Medically, the only FDA-approved CBD product is a medicine called Epidiolex, which is prescribed to patients suffering particularly awful forms of epilepsy. All the rest of it? Unregulated – although smokable hemp brands that have your back, like Dad Grass, are tested by third-party labs with the testing results shared publicly (Just scan that QR code on the packaging!). These testing results shed light on all the organic components of Dad Grass, including its terpenes.lized in the liver before entering the blood in the case of ingested CBD.

Benefits of CBD Weed

In most cases, it is believed that CBD can reduce the symptoms of inflammation. CBD has shown promise in the treatment of arthritic pain and nerve discomfort, according to research conducted in both the United States and Europe. It has also been demonstrated to lower anxiety and insomnia, which is certainly an advantage to have after a long day of dealing with stress.

The good news is that the World Health Organization has determined that cannabidiol (CBD) does not cause addiction and does not pose a threat to the general public’s health. Keeping this in mind, CBD joints can be viewed as a bridge to breaking an addictive nicotine cigarette habit, as well as a means to enjoy the ceremonial parts of smoking without the effects of nicotine.

It is possible that a version of CBD that can be smoked will be beneficial in convincing people to convert from tobacco to hemp. The subsequent step will be to investigate vaporization.

According to Dr. Otto, when patients are interested in inhaling cannabis material, he discusses with them the usage of a vaporizer. A vaporizer warms the organic material to temperatures of approximately 400 degrees, at which time it creates a vapor as opposed to a smoke.

According to Dr. Otto, there are none of the carcinogens, and it is significantly better on both the throat and the lungs. “Inhalation is a really effective strategy, and the onset of relief is extremely fast. Additionally, it is quite easy to control because you can regulate how many puffs you take and how deeply you breathe in each puff.”

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